You are loved and enough.......poem

Poem (from a few days ago):

I often feel like I'm not doing enough.
I vow to work harder; be better.
Then something whispers,
"Maybe you are already enough."

I think to myself,
"I will never be enough.
I must work harder, be tougher,
no one must know of the tears that I shed."

The voice whispers again,
"You already are all you were made to be."
I answer back, "Oh, no.  I am incomplete
there is something terribly wrong and I must fix it.
Maybe if I ignore my hurt and pain, it will all go away
or at least I won't feel it anymore."

"But you are forgetting about me," Jesus says.
"You have to let me in to fix it.
You have to let me in to heal you.
"You are enough when you have me at your side." He tells me.

God, I'm afraid to let you in.
I'm afraid of what you'll say and see
and that your love for me will no longer go on so deeply.

I work so hard to defend my heart,
but often it only hurts me more.

God tells me,
"I have made you to be whole in me.
You are already enough in who you are,
don't try to change that.
Don't depend on yourself to be more.
Depend on me to be enough for you
in the places that you aren't so strong.
In your weakness, I am stronger.
Put your faith in me."

He tells me,
"You have real beauty inside that I have given you.
Depend on me, embrace that beauty, and release it.
Pour out my love on others, use your caring heart.
Have hope, be joyful, be assured in knowing that I love you."

You are beautiful, my beloved, beautiful indeed.
I will care for you and I love you.
You are the daughter of me, the King of Kings
and with me you can overcome any earthly thing.
I am with you every step of the way.
It's going to be okay.
Depend on me to be all that you need,
know that you are special, beautiful, and enough
because I am enough to fill your iniquities.

I love you so much daughter.
Your Abba, Daddy, Father,
Dios (God).   <3

P.S.  "Tu eres mi hijita preciosa.  Me deleito en ti y te amo mucho.  Tu papa, Dios."
         (You are my precious little daughter.  I delight in you and love you a lot.  Your papa, God." 


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