'God's Love is Like the Ocean' poem...

When I went on the mission trip to Baja, Mexico, we got to go to a beach on the ocean in San Diego, California.  I got to swim in a real ocean with waves there for the first time.  It was awesome!  God's work is so amazing.  It showed so much of God's power and beauty.  The stretched out ocean horizon looked like outstretched arms of love.  It was so beautiful.  The waves were like surges of power, strength, and grace.  

God's Love is Like the Ocean (poem):

God's love is like the ocean;
long, wide, deep, and amazing,
immeasurable and beautiful.
It never changes.
You can't resist it.
It never ends, but only goes deeper and deeper.
You can get lost in it.

When you're swimming and jumping
in the ocean waves,
it's overwhelming, but you can't get enough
as they crash over you.

If you let go of all control
and are in the right place,
the currents will pull you away.
It is the same with the draw of God's deep and compassionate love.

Do you hear the ocean's roar?
It is the voice of God saying,
"Come in.  I want to love you more and more.
I want to pull you in and overwhelm you,
let you know my heartbeat and refresh you."
Swish, crash.  "I love you.  I love you."
Swish, crash.  "There is so much more."

When you Encounter God (poem cont.)

When you experience the overwhelming love and presence of God
and encounter Him, you are changed.
You will never be the same.
You know He's real, and all else fades.  

When you see God for who He really is,
you can't help but worship Him.
You realize that He is the Almighty, Most High
and you see how small you really are.

Must it take a mighty ocean wave,
toppling and overwhelming,
to humble us and make us realize
how powerless we are in the hands of an all-powerful God.

Must we be drowning before we cry out for help
and see our desperate need for a savior?

Everyone looks for something to save them--
money, power, stuff, status, respect, a spouse, etc.
We try to save ourselves, but in the end we can't.
On our own we are left with nothing.

Everyone loves a Superhero,
and there's a part of every one of us
that is waiting for a Super Man.
Alas!  He has already come and will come again!

He is Jesus Christ, both God and Man!
He healed the sick and raised the dead,
walked on water, and fed thousands of people
with a few loaves of bread and a couple of fish.

Jesus called out the superficial religious leaders
and had compassion on the children, and the poor and needy.
His heart is for widows and orphans.
He is a loving God with a heart of justice!

So Now it's Your Choice...  (poem cont.)

You can do whatever you want.
Rebel against God and see where that takes you.
Or choose to walk in submission to God--
know that He is the ultimate authority
and the one you will be accountable to at the end of your life.

God isn't looking for perfect people.
He's looking for people who will humble themselves and turn to Him,
knowing that they can't save themselves.

God is there.  He's waiting for you.
He wants to draw you deeper.
Go in.  Be changed.  You will never regret it.

I know you are right beside me God and are forevermore with me.
You are the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega,
the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords.
I love you and praise you God.  Amen.



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