Beauty for ashes...poem

You give me beauty for ashes,
joy for my mourning,
and praise for heaviness.
In your house, O Lord, I thrive like an olive tree. 
In your courts I praise you with a joyful dance.

You are kind and merciful God.
I wait for your mercies in the presence of your people.
You are beautiful to behold, my beloved one.

My sword and my shield,
my protector come rescue me!
Heal my heart and bind up my wounds.
Open up the hidden love, trust, and potential I have. 

I want to make your name great, O God!
I worship you, for you are holy. 
Hosannah--come save!
My provider; be all I need.
My comforter, fill me with peace and hope.
Be with me in times of trials and pain.

I give my burdens to you,
for you are my helper. 
You are my redeemer,
come free me.

You are a strong tower,
your voice like rushing waters and thunder,
with power mightier than all the sea,
and you are for me.

Come with your presence God!
Come like fire and rain--
consume us in your love.

I waited patiently upon the Lord,
and He turned to me and answered my prayer.
Your name is higher than any human enemy.
We worship and trust you above all else.
We thank you and praise you for all you are.
Thank you for your great love and mercy Lord.
I love you so much.  Amen.

(this is from a couple days ago).           : )


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