Seek His Presence.

Seek His Presence   

Search for the Lord and His strength and keep on searching.   --1 Chronicles 16:11

        That was a theme for me for a while and will always be.

I need to be consecrated and broken before the Lord.  I need to be filled with His love.
I need to need you God!  I need to know my need for you really.

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength."  --Deuteronomy 6:5

The end is near...end times stuff with International House of Prayer and Mike Bickle.  Omega Series.

"Swag!"  --Baja mission trip.  : )  Shout out to Keith Smith.  

Seek the fullness and presence of God. 
 I am nothing without Him.  Life is not full without you God.  

Humility.      His justice.      
Let grace and favor come as you are humbled by The Cross and draw near to Him.

                          God you are higher than any other.  

Si Dios es por nosotros, quien contra nosotros?
If God is for us, who can be against us?

Dios es suficientemente poderoso.
God is sufficiently powerful  (God is enough).

Let the Lord know the state of your heart (how you are doing).  
How are you doing?


Let your justice roll like a river.
Let your love wash over me like an ocean wave.
Bring me closer.  Draw me deeper.
I want to know your heart and be full of your presence God.

Give me faith to trust what you say.
You're good and your love is great.

I am powerless on my own.
I'm empty without you.
All I am is yours.
As I break at the foot of the cross,
take take take it all.
We surrender all to you.  Amen.

Give us the knowledge of Your glory Father!

Do what only you can do in my heart tonight.  I love you God.  


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