Thinking Philosophically...
Know Thyself: "Know thyself."--ancient Greek aphorism. Part of this can be 'ignoring the multitude' in what they think about you. Know what God says about you and take it to heart. Only when you know who you truly are will you be able to have real joy, hope, and peace. Don't strive to be somebody or something else or more. Instead, learn, acknowledge and become who you are. God has placed a special beauty inside of you that shows a part of who He is in a unique way. Learn to recognize this and seek it out. God is using you wherever you are. Questions: Don't forget to ask those deeper "Why?" questions. ----- "Why are these bad things happening?", "Why is the world so beautiful (nature, etc.)?" "Why are people beautiful?", "What does beauty truly look like?", "Why aren't people enough to fill me?", "Where does music come from, why is it so lovely?" etc. These types of question...