Don't hide your heart from Him : )

Poem (from a few weeks ago):

I am weary God;
in You I rest.

Cast your cares upon the Lord
for He delights in you.
You are the desire of His heart.

Let your walls come down.
You don't have to hide anymore.
God loves you and is on your side.

The Lord fights for you
just as he promised.
He hears you when no one else does,
in those times that you need to be heard.

The Lord sees you and he loves you.
He wants to comfort your heart.
God says, "Have peace my child."
Take a seat.  Take a seat.
Take a load off of your feet.  : )

God loves you when you're doing your best
and when you're a total mess.
He can handle your problems and iniquities.
You don't have to hide from Him.

Lord help me not to hide from you.
I give you my whole heart.
Please heal me.
I love you Lord.  Amen.


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