Funny quotes...Panama

I was just looking at our quote book from the Panama mission trip I went on.  Oh it's so funny, just makes my day! 

Some funny quotes:

La Luz Quotes

“Do they have hills here? Everyone has hills.”

“Do we have to help row the boats?”

“This is a scar I got when I tripped over a rock chasing this kid in the cemetery.”

“Close the window, the skitters will get in.”
“Its okay, my head is blocking them.”

“I don’t get motion sick…I read while I drive.”

“I’m glad it’s been a month in my head.”
- Olivia (after 2nd day in Panama)

“I’m Mantastic! Are you Mantastic?”

“One time my friend was sleepwalking in her sleep.”

“A week before I came I got attacked by a beaver.”

“Be mi amiga” – Olivia
“No!” – Boy

“Your bicep looks like two face from Batman.”

“It looked completely clean, when I blew on it, all the sand came off.”

“I just had the worst time of my life in that room!”
-Judah (pointing at bathroom)

“Can you give me some toilet paper?”
“I thought you had it!?”
“I just dropped it in the ocean!”

“I want a beer belly just so I can lay on it and spin.”

“Oh, temptation!”

“Are you serious? A bird just pooped on me.”

“I had a fly-swatter, but I thought we should use it on the cats.”

“Did Grey Beard get a fair trial?” – Andy
“No. Of course not. We’re in Panama.” – Adriane

“I cut my head on a metal roof.” – Lydia
“Ah…that happens.” – Kaitlyn

“Lets make a ‘I love giant leaves club’…haha!”

“It tastes like an old French fry you would find in the back of your car.”

“I haven’t been quoted, I should say something cleaver.”

“So God gives you wisdom…which is like a gun.”

“I’m afraid to go to the bathroom because I think that when I poop, the ocean will splash my

“This is what I don’t get! Why do you call us the coloured people? When you’re sun burnt
you’re red, when you’re sick you’re green, when you’re bruised you’re purple and when you’re
cold, you’re blue.”

“Leah! Go eat that cat!” – Travis
“I will!” –Leah

“I cracked up when I found out our translator was a racist!”

“We were listening to Switchfoot, then this “Sex You Up” song came on.” – Travis
“Is that by Switchfoot?” – Samuel

“Yum mange!!”

“I don’t think its going to hit us!” –Judah (talking about a storm)
“Gosh Judah! Why are you being so negative?” – Emily

“Two blisters, a rock in my foot, and I’m still serving the Lord.”

“Quebec? Isn’t that in the middle east?”

“I was so focused with God in my quiet time that God talked to me in dreams!”

“…I’m a Canadian collectable.”

“Is HaKUNAmatata a Panamanian thing?”

“I think you just sat on a hymnal.”

“The elephants are dead…all of them.”

“Whenever I climb up a big hill, I just say to myself…I’m a mountain goat.”
  --one of my favorites  : )

“Hey guys! Maybe we’re all pregnant together!”

“I wish I had as much faith as an atheist.”

“And then the guy that looked like Colin rode away on a chariot of dirt bikes.”

“The vultures are coming for you, Judah!” – Connor
“They’ve seen my gastritis.” – Judah

“I feel like we are all part of the Breakfast Club.”

“As a kid I used to tear worms on half.”

“I woke up one morning with a toe missing.”

“My stomach is talking to me. It’s in a language I don’t understand.”

“Someone is framing me.”

“Do you not like elephants?” – Jasmine
“No!! They’re mean and they’re pushy!” – Judah

“That looked like a girl cat fight.”
-Jen (talking about Travis and Derick playing game)

“Oh yeah, I went to the bathroom in there, the toilet seat was on the ceiling.”

‘Okay guys…so we’re going to be flexible right?”

“Let’s play catch with a child!”

“I feel colourful!”

“It’s not dirty! They’re turtles!”

“My hands are as soft as a baby’s bottom.”

“Keep speaking Spanish your way; someone will understand.”

“Oh my gosh! A kid just jumped on!”

“No I feel fine. I feel great. I feel like a …a clean sponge.”

“Alright guys, if a car comes over the hills lets make sure you dodge it, okay.”

“Uber bad…”

“I can smell myself. Its really bad…Don’t smell me.”

“Naked babies…”

“How are you guys night people, morning people and day people?!”

“Hey, a bat!”
“Another one?”
“I’ll be mad if it bites me.”
“Run into the fan! Run into the fan!” – Jamie, Olivia and Lydia

“Hurry! We can’t rain in the river while it’s showering!”

“I feel like I’m just eating…you know?”
-Chelsie, about eating pasta supper

“He went ‘goyi, goyi, goyi!!’ and they all came running.”

“I hate it when we sing cause I laugh because I’m sad.”

“Yo, today I saw Adriane eat an orange. Took her half an hour.”

“I don’t have any quotes…I don’t know what to do!”

“The sky is so much higher here.”

“Wow, look at all those pills in there.” –Steph
“He’s eating them like candy!” –Chelsie

“Quick! I’ll be Edward, you be Bella!”
-Emily to Judah

“It was awesome doing weird things with you.”
-Random girl in the airport

THINGS (game): 

Things that are Wild:
Steph: Canadians
Kaitlyn: Chelsie and the Croc Doc
Wendy: Chelsie
Sarah: bucket showers
Amanda: children
Leah: Bearclaw point
Shanney: pass behind the Silah and ignore him
Jasmine: my cousins
Olivia: team La Luz
Judah: my eyes, wink
Jamie: lions, tigers, my friends
Lydia: Andy’s snore
Chelsie: jaguar
Travis: living the thug life
Connor: parties
Samuel: Walter
Emily: missionaries after they’ve snapped
Walter: this hut
Colin: Judah
Derick: heffalumps

Things you don’t want to find in your attic
Steph: beavers
Kaitlyn: bride of Chucky…and Chelsie
Wendy: Canadians
Sarah: Old dolls with glass eyes
Amanda: anything freaky
Leah: dolphins
Andy: big rat from the church
Shanney: naked baby pictures
Jasmine: the banyo
David: Chelsie
Olivia: Colin with pitchfork
Judah: ministry site for weeding
Jamie: diaries from middle school
Lydia: baby in a box
Travis: Derick’s island girls
Samuel: mouldy mangos
Emily: Judah’s crazy eyes
Walter: Grandma who has been missing for 10 years
Colin: old ladies playing bingo
Derick: princess Leia on crack

Things you should not say in awkward silence
Steph: it smells like fart in here
Kaitlyn: so you wanna see the crazy growth on my back?
Wendy: Hammer time! LOL!
Sarah: so have you gained weight?
Amanda: awesome possum
Leah: wow…this is awkward
Shanney: have you ever pooped in the ocean?
Jasmine: “who loves Hitler?”
David: oops, I just farted
Judah: so all my cats have feline AIDS
Jamie: flo visited yesterday
Lydia: I have to pick a wedgie; so how’s the weather?
Chelsie: Abraham Lincoln
Travis: Abraham Lincoln
Connor: Fire!
Samuel: awkward gecko, then run and splat on the nearest wall
Emily: look! A beaver!
Walter: was your grandmother in the attic?
Colin: Helen Keller playing Marco Polo
Derick: safety

Things you do in Walmart
Steph: hang up your hammock and sing yourself to sleep
Kaitlyn: look for every last piece of Canadian collectables
Shanney: eat the grapes without paying
Leah: hide in the clothes rack and jump out at people
Olivia: have friends have a sword fight with foam swords
Colin: poop in the coats
Walter: get out as fast as possible
Chelsie: run around and pretend that you haven’t seen white people before while singing Jesus
loves all the little children
Jamie: run really fast with the cart and ride them
Amanda: hide all the twilight series books
David: dance around with underpants on your head singing ‘I see lil’ green people’
Connor: change the price tags
Travis: pool noodle fight and lose “the game”
Samuel: play hide and seek
Emily: switch your cart with a stranger when not looking
Jasmine: give people flowers
Judah: pretend that I have a baby and that I’m from Germany

Have a great day!


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