
Well, I'm just feeling broken and undone.  Turning to Jesus and trusting him because I feel so overwhelmed emotionally and physically and stressed out sometimes.  I hate it so much.  I know that God can work things out.  I know I have to be careful and take things people say with a grain of salt.  Sometimes I feel like other people are on edge too and then it sets me off crying and I just hate that.  Then I'm just like breathe babe, take care of yourself first and then you can go out and conquer the world (aka homework and projects, Bible reading, friend stuff, do Valentines, etc.)  Oh and pray!  Pray without ceasing Jasmine!  I have to just give it over to the Lord.  I know He is with me.  I guess I've been going through a lot personally lately dealing with school and friends, trying to keep my head above water in the waves of emotions I feel sometimes.  I just want a resting place.  I need him so much.  He is my rock and I really am grateful and I'm believing that He will move and heal me.  When there are challenges, draw near to him and receive. 

Listening to this song...  I love it so much!  Everything I need right now. 


Jon Thurlow-- Lord I know you love me... let love win.

"It's okay to believe.  Just open up and receive.  I want you to have confidence in my love. 
Lord I know you love me.  Yes I know you love me.  Lord I know you love me, right here, right now, right here, right now."

"Stop acting as though you could earn it.  I don't love you because you deserve it.  I love you because that's who I am.  Let love win."

Help keep me in an attitude of worship and gratefulness throughout the day God.  Help me to turn things over to you. 

Father if I am overwhelmed, let me be overwhelmed by your love and grace.
If I am stressing, let me be stressing the importance of following you and living in submission to your love and your will.
If I am crying, let me be crying out to you, crying from your overwhelming love.
If I am angry, let me be angry at the devil and the world's injustices so that I will be moved to change.

If I am loving, let me love in your name.
If I am changing, let me be changing the world through loving through your example.
If I am happy, may I be happy to share the gospel.
If I am at peace, may I be in your will.


Poems from today:

Rare, Precious Love

Your words to me are precious and true.
Break me like an alabaster jar.
Let me be poured out as a sweet, fragrant perfume.
Let your love fill every room of my heart.
And your words from my mouth lovingly depart.

Let my cup overflow.
God, I won't let you go!
You heal me from my inner pain.
I won't chase after worldly gain!

Your love is rare and precious.
I entrust myself to you!
I am in your care, and if I dare
I can let you turn my whole world around!

Turn my mourning into dancing!
Let me shine in my love for you!

I don't want to be fake.
Your ways I will not forsake.
Help me to be whole and
give up control to you my God on whom I rely.
I love you and praise you God, my rock.  Amen. 

Rivers of Love

Your kindness abounds in my life oh God.
Your love is poured out like rivers!
Let us not be takers, but givers.

Your love gives me shivers, that you would die for me.
My sadness withers as your grace amazes me.
You, my God, are holy and good.
Help me to reach out to you the way I should.

Lord I seek your grace and your favor.
Give my life your Holy Spirit flavor!
Let me taste the goodness of the Lord!
Your love I will savor.
Let words of praise be always on my lips!

Give me the gift of forgiveness.
Your steadfast love is better than life.
Help me to love you as the bride of Christ--your wife.
You are my life, my hope rests in you alone!

I will praise you abundantly before your throne!
Thank you God that I am never alone.
All glory to you and praise!  Amen. 

Clean Slate

I'm filling up on your love, this gift from above.
I'm so hungry for your steadfast love!

Hold my head above water--
when I'm floundering in the waves
of depression, loneliness, sadness, and lack of affection.
It's like an infection---when I'm feeling far from your love.
I'm overwhelmed with a lack of direction. 

Help me to be Your reflection!
Abounding in grace, love, mercy, and patience
you are so good to me Lord!

Let me be made innocent before you,
and let my slate be wiped clean.
In your peace-passing understanding
I feel serene, clean, and from your spirit I glean. 

I'm letting go of myself and I'm giving you control.
Following you God, has to be my ultimate goal!
Help me to know my role and submit to your love.
I know you are by my side and you love me.
Thank you so much God!  Amen. 

Your Great Name

I will spread your great name, Oh Lord my God!
I will seek your grace and favor.
Help me not to waver, but to stand firm
in this hope that you have given me.

Thank you that I am saved through faith in Christ
and not my own works. 
I could never do what you've done for me. 

The Lord is God, the only one.
I believe in His holy, begotten Son.
Jesus, may your name be lifted high!
On you alone will I rely.

Let you love ve always my guide,
that I may not sin against you.
I don't want to be blue
when the darkness I go through.
Your light shines in the darkness
and it is not overcome.

Through the trials and pain
I will hope in you, my God.
May I never be put to shame
for not being full out in living for you.
I love you so much God.  Amen. 

Doing this together

Father, let my heart hope in you alone.
Help me to keep You on my heart's throne.
I know I'm never alone.

I will seek your face, oh Lord my God.
It is you who I applaud.
Creator of the stars and heavens
you are glorious and great!

Day and night I won't give up on this fight!
I will keep living for you, seeking life,
justice, freedom, and mercy.
I will push through and be faithful to you!

The world will not shake me
because I know that you God will not forsake me!
Father, help me to be like you
and be focused on the good and true. 

Thank you Lord for you patience and mercy.
Your love is unending and your grace sufficient.
I love you because you first loved me.  Amen. 


Sometimes I feel invisible,
but I know that the Lord's love and I are indivisible
I don't have to keep feeling so low,
in my God I will rest.  To Him I will go.

When I'm feeling unstable,
Lord you make me able
to rest in your peace, you put me at ease.

In your love there is a better way.
I'm through with all my ups and downs.
You give and take away God,
but you will work all things out for good.

In my weakness you are stronger,
in my darkness you shine through.
You carry me through when I'm crying.
When I'm down, you lift me up.

You are more than enough to save me.
Teach me to obey thee.
Times can be rough, but I give it all to You.
My heart longs for you
and in your love I am satisfied.

Thank you God that you provide for my every need.
In your great wisdom, you made the earth.
And I know that you can make things work for good.
I love you Lord.  Amen. 


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