Look Deeper Poem (from awhile ago):

There once was a man.
Homeless was he.
Maybe some thought him scary--
ragged clothes, a few crooked teeth.
But if only they'd look underneath.

They'd see a human being
with the same wants and needs as any other.
Wanting a place to call home, a hot meal, and a warm bed.

We all desire friendship.
We need one another.
We can't be frightened by life's circumstances.

If one has fallen, he can be picked up.
If one is up, he may be pushed down.
Do what you can.  Do good and not harm.
Help those who are down.

Draw near to the One who loves us all--
Our heavenly Father who will provide.
God, make us lovely inside.
I love and praise you God, Amen.

: )  


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