Rejoice! poem

Come to the waters of
everlasting life and drink!
He wants to give us life abundantly,
let us accept it gratefully
and go after it wholeheartedly.

Our hope and purpose is in you.
You are so faithful God.
No man can fill me.
Only your comfort breaks through.

Our prayers are not prayed in vain.
When two or more are gathered,
there you are among them.
You care about my pain.
Thank you that I am cared about and prayed over.

Your heart breaks for mine.
I am in love with you.
Help me to keep my heart true
to all you are and have for me.
I know there is so much more to see,
so much more good to be had.

No words can express
how high, long, deep, and wide
your love is.
And surely you will be with us
until the end of the age.

Thank you God for how good you are
and that you are trading my sorrows and pain
for rejoicing and new hope.
I love and praise you Lord.  Amen.

: D  


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