Don't Fear Man, Love God!


People are just people.
We get afraid of them,
what they'll think and
what they'll say.

Don't worry about it.
They'll accept you as you are...
or they won't.
It's their problem not yours.

It's not that you aren't acceptable,
it's that people aren't accepting.
It's not that you're that you're not lovable enough,
it's that people aren't loving enough.
Your value comes from God, not man.

You're wondering what they're thinking of you...
They're thinking about themselves,
or what they have to do,
or pizza or whatever.

Be cool
and they'll be cool...
for the most part.
And if they aren't,
pray they have a better day.

I hope the very best for you.  : )

Know that most people really do care
when they know the situation and see their heart.
They may not always show it,
but it is implanted in us by God--
to care for each other.
It is not of ourselves,
it is not evolution,
but it is God.

Praise God for He is the source of life!

Keep your eyes on Him
and all else will fade.
Keep your mind set on things above.
Know that He fights for you!

People are all people and they always will be.
We have so many differences,
but also so many similarities.

Dear God,
thank you for the special beauty
and love that you have put inside us.
Help us to to learn to open up and discover
those things and share them with others.

Thank you God
that you are our healer,
you know our hearts and accept us.

You are what we need.
You are what our soul longs for.
Thank you Lord that when we delight in you,
you give us the desires of our hearts.
I love and praise you Lord.  Amen.


Funny quote:
"My friend is going to see the paleontologist because she has a bump on her head."  --my friend Destiny Medina ah ha ha  : )  (They study dinosours).

Have a blessed day!!! 

 May God heal you and redeem you and free you.  Amen.  


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