Beauty & Daffodils (poems)

Today I went to a marriage enrichment conference at my church.  I'm not married or anything, but I will most likely get married someday and I do hope to.  With that I want to have a really good marriage because I believe if you do something, you should do it well, all the way, mean it, put your whole heart and effort into it, but not do it until you are ready.  I find that it usually works better that way.  Plus anyone could come to the conference today so I went and yeah it was really good.  It helped me to get clarity into me and when I do that, God is free to speak to me in spirit and I write poems more easily.  There was a pretty picture of a flower at church and I wrote a poem off of it that I entitled "Beauty".  Enjoy  : )

Beauty (poem):

I see beauty and I want to capture it.
I want to emulate it and draw it into my soul
until it becomes a part of me.

Beauty is made into brilliant radiance on the inside.
This is what I am aiming for.
God is making all things new and
working out all things together for good.

I have hope, faith, and peace.
In the Lord I have all I need,
so I will worship Him.

I want not only moments of breathing in and out,
but also those moments that take my breath away.
These things give me a new perspective and
help me to live each day more fully after such inspiring grace.

Give me your heart God and give me grace.
I love you Lord.  Amen.

Daffodils (poem):  

Nature is inspiring.
I am inspired by my creator
to create and spend time in making life beautiful.
Life is to be enjoyed, not just lived through.

Let us live while the pulse of life is still strong.

I will stop and gaze at daffodils
and put tiger lilies on my window sills.
A fresh breeze comes in my open window,
letting in an air of hope.

I want to abound in life and all it is meant to be.
God please teach me not only to do, but how to be,
in being still and knowing that you are God.

I run and run until I can't run anymore,
ending up lying exhausted on the floor.
I'm tired of striving and trying to make it by myself.
"Don't you see that that's not the way it's supposed to be?
Live life with me."  says God.

God please refresh me.
I know that you will.
Teach me how to live life like the daffodil--
rooted and built up in you,
drawing from your strength
and becoming the beauty that you designed me to embody,
in heart, soul, mind, body, and strength.

I love you Lord and lift up your name.  Amen.

Hope you have a blessed day and let God be your strength.  : )


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