Autumn leaves...

Poem (that I just wrote most of):

Autumn Leaves

Like a rescued autumn leaf,
God you have picked me up and
preserved me. 

You heard my cry for help,
reached down and saved me. 
You have drawn me from deep waters
 and restored my soul.

I am renewed by your unconditional love
as I stay in the safe place--
in the shadow of your wings. 
I am deeply grateful,
you are so patient with me. 

Although I fail again and again,
you help me to start over.
You don't get mad, you simply say, "Try again."

You work with me together until
we make something beautiful. 
You are patient with me because you love me.
To you I am worth the time, energy, and the strength it takes.

You are willing to take a few hits
for and even from me,
so that you can be with me.
This is not because I am so great,
but because you are so great at overlooking wrongs.

God, you don't see me as I see myself--
as either doing good or really bad.
I never will "get there."
As my Father, you see that I am always
in the process, and you love me anyway.

You want us to choose each day to live better
and turn to you to guide us.
We are given so many chances and
 are so blessed by you.

When we start being grateful for life as it is,
choose to see the good in and throughout it
and keep perspective, we will be able to enjoy it. 

We've got to take the good with the bad,
 be grateful, say "please" and "thank you",
and love people as they are, for who they are.

We have each other,
and our loving God the Father,
that despite all the bad,
there is good to be found and enjoyed. 

I wish we would look up at the clouds more often
and dream about what's up there.
Through seeing it's beauty, we'll realize it's going to be okay
and we will make it through. 

Let us be humbled and made grateful
by the majesty of our God. 
We love you and praise you Father.
In Jesus' name, Amen. 


I like that if I look and listen long enough, God can show me things about Himself through ordinary things.  He can teach me from things in nature, situations, and people.  With the leaf thing, he showed me that leaves are all unique, beautiful like artwork and to be treasured.  He has picked me up and preserved me as His own.  I have a story to tell and a new color and design to show.  Though my life could pass away quickly, He has picked me up and saved me, so that I may live to tell His story.  I am an example that shows a piece of the heart and life of God.  I am delicate and fragile on my own, but when preserved and treasured (as a colorful leaf pressed through wax paper), I can live to show glory and tell a story.  I am a small page in His book, but I show something unique.  And better to be a small part of His book, than have my own big book that no one cares about.  It's sort of like being in the Guiness Book of World Records vs. having a book you made of all your life's records.  I am in the book of life, and that is a big deal. 

I hope you have a good day!  Don't forget to look at things carefully and look around you.  Every thing and every person has a story to tell and something you can learn.  Opportunity is all around.  : )

"Don't waste a single day, just live.  Just live."  --from a song by my friend Judah Legge. 


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