
Showing posts from March, 2013

Glorious Peace poem

Glorious Peace... Feeling peaceful. I am sanctified by the love of God. We will overcome! Quiet me with your love. Humble my spirit. Let heavenly fire fall. May we be blazing stars, glowing and sparkling for you glory.  I am filled with gratitude. I will glory in my weaknesses because God is my strength. We have the victory. There is no one like our God. None but Jesus. He is here. I love you God, my peace, amen.  

Precious to him; poem

I am precious to you The days have been challenging,  but his grace is sufficient for me.  I believe this pain can ve used for a purpose. Though I weep, I will have joy. Through the pain I will keep on singing, my hope is in the Lord.  The joy of the Lord is my strength. I'm entranced by his beauty & by how much he loves me. God, although above all things, is with me. I am dearly loved.  I'm appreciated, set apart, enough.  God is good.  His grace is sufficient. I'm swept off my feet by my Savior.  He carries me home. The Lord is my treasure, there my heart will be also. I am God's daughter, his precious jewel. You are beautiful my beloved one. You are near and dear to me.  No sweeter name than the name of Jesus. Let my life worship you. May my praises to you be sweet to your ears. 

Today... erg crazy days....

So, I'm back at school now.  It was really nice to be on break.  Now I'm back and dealing with all the relational and stress issues again.  I wish some people would just grow up.  It frustrates me when I'm here doing what I'm supposed to, listening to my teachers, etc.  Then there's people here who just leave in the middle of classes, cheat on their work, complain over every bit of homework, call classes boring and complain about teachers, don't care about chapel, put themselves before others, are rude and disrespectful, act like life's just a good time and a big joke.  It's not funny.  I'm not going to goof around my whole life on someone else's money when there's people starving and broken around the world.  Maybe some people don't get it that their actions have consequences, that if they are passive and stupid it's going to boomerang.  Some people get the whole "karma" thing and they don't even know Jesus.  Other...

Waking up your Inner Caveman...

So, I'm listening to this video about weight loss and it talks about waking up your inner caveman!  Ah ha ha!  I laugh so hard.  The other day I really got on a laugh attack about "For Narnia!!!!"  when I was shoveling snow.  I just made a homemade sugar handscrub and I want to try it out.  PaleoBurn  : ) It makes sense... short bursts of activity "fleeing" like cavemen and not eating a bunch of grain "grass" because that's what cows eat and we don't want to look like cows.  Mostly I think it's just the gluten issue.  I want to look at their list for healthy grains.  The food pyramid is undergoing some work I think.  They have a different looking one up at Harmony Natural Foods.  I think that one lists more fruits and vegetables verses grains.   "Somewhere in us we all have the genetic DNA to have sculpted bodies like cavemen by ea...