God my HEALER (heartsick) . . .

          This poem is kind of an accumulation of things I am grieving for and how I feel.  I like to think that it's okay to express emotions like the psalms.  I am also stressing about a paper, so this was a short break.  I have been struggling with pain from the past.  Sometimes I don't understand why people hurt others so much, but most of the time I don't think that they mean to do so.  We all learn to cope in different ways.  Some ways are VERY unhealthy. . . I have learned through good and bad experiences.  Thank you to God who carries me through.  

Heartsick . . .

When you love someone so much,
that it drips out of your soul,
When you love someone so much,
and when they leave it makes a hole,
When you love someone so much,
that you are torn like fluttering ribbons,
what is one to do?

When you love until it hurts,
because you hurt for their hurts,
When you love until you are sore,
When you give and give
until you can't give anymore...
what's a soul to do?

When I feel so much,
and long for a loved-ones touch,
but what I give is taken,
and I feel rejected,
where is the remedy?

I long for a cure,
for my heart to be sure.
Oh to know and be known,
those broken places and wounds unmended.
I need a gardener for this heart so long untended.

“Heart on my sleeve, not where it should be.
Take it slow, take it easy on me . . .
Shed some light,

shed some light on me please!” (Feist)   


So Father God, 
please hold me here. . .
and take this weight from my sickened heart.
There are things too great to bear,
please take these things is my current prayer.

Thank you for mending the broken places
a stitch at a time.
Thank you for healing and renewal.
and yet it is a progressive process. 

You love Me.
You love me with the sun and moon,
you love me enough to pull me from gloom.
You are there to carry me through,
I really would be nothing without you.

Thank you Yahweh, Jesus, Holy Spirit,
thank you for immeasurable love.
Even in trials, my cup overflows.
Your love is STRONG!
You are enough for me.



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