Renew my Strength

Renew My Strength (November 2014)

The love of God falls like rain on a tin roof
plinking softly, speaking comfort.
The Lord has a still small voice,
listen to his wisdom.

Lord, I want to abandon my cares to you.
Renew my strength and my spirit.
Through these struggles keep me whole.
I am undone.

I've been wasting away inside.
My heart desires you,
but I don't know how to let go of my own will.
I need to trust you.

Fill me with your peace.
I loosen my grasp and surrender.
Thank you Lord Jesus.  Amen.

False Assurance (January 2015)

"Peace and safety," they say.
Worldly security is an illusion.
This world is uncertain.
Only Christ is our Rock.

People will fail us and aggravate us-
That's not going to change.
What needs to change is our hearts,
letting the love of God shine in.

Only when we come to the end of ourselves
do we encounter the Living God.
Lean on His strength!
Our God is fierce, a consuming fire, but GOOD!

Our God is a lion!
He is a mighty warrior, coming on the clouds with fire.

Break into our hardened hearts oh God!
"Don't you know I have to break you open
in order to heal your heart?
Trust in me." --Amen.

Home (February 2015)

Home is where your heart is.
I want to bring "home" to this world.
Not stacks of worries,
but peaceful mornings.

Sunrise, cup of coffee, journal and my Bible.
Wood floors and a rocking chair.
Take a load off now,
things will be alright.

My identity is in Christ,
but I yearn for a simple life.
The world is turbulent, I want a place to rest.
Wood stove, eggs sizzling in a cast iron pan.

Sunrise in the morning, I wake up.
Lord, be my Sonshine.  No One else!
I see the starry host in the skies,
I'm so amazed at your love.

Lord, be my delight.
Let my home be in your heart.  Amen.


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