The Lord is Great! Poem

The Lord is Great!

Poem (from earlier this journal):

Lord, You are gracious and holy.
Your awesomeness  far outweighs the stars.
In the splendor of Your glorious majesty,
I realize I am but a speck of dust.

I don't see why you would care to love
and care for a creature like me.
However, in your great mercy you do!

Thank you Lord for your sovereignty.
You humble yourself to love us.
Pitying our fallen condition,
you give us your strength,
although we are undeserving.

I thank you on behalf of the entire human race
for all of your grace, goodness, majesty, and love.
You owe us nothing, but you have given us everything.

Thank you Lord for all you do
and for loving me, despite me.
I love and praise you God.  Amen.  


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