King of Majesty.. poem

Poem (earlier in this journal too--sometime in Feb.):

King of Majesty

Lord, I am humbled by your majesty;
by the glory of your throne.
It is You, the God of all, that I worship.
I was made for you,
to live a life glorifying and loving you.

You could crush me in an instant
or wipe out every living thing in a day,
but instead you chose to give
your life for ours.
Through Christ you showed your great character
of daily, miraculous, sacrificial love.

You pour out your blessings and dwell among us.
You show your glory through every
joy and sorrow of life,
constantly drawing our hearts to you!

King of Majesty come down!
Rain down on us your Spirit!
We long to know you more and more.
I love and praise you God.
Amen & Amen.  


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