
Showing posts from February, 2012

Lit with Your love... poem

Poem (from earlier this month): A glow, a spark, an ember, a fire. Let us be lit with your love and holy desires. Let our lives show your glory, giving ourselves to you in a crazy, sacrificial, heart-felt love. As I feel your embrace I pray my heart will bow in wonder at your love and let you fill my life. Let us live our lives in such a way that You will change the world through us. Our love for you and our love for each other will show the world that there is more to this life. May we let go of all bitterness, strife, anger, and greed. Everything belongs to you, there's nothing you don't see. In your presence, oh God, all else melts away. You long to bring our world into a love-filled harmony. As we dwell in your peace, may your sanctity spread across the seas and to the nations afar. Give us eyes to see and ears to hear, the splendor of your glory. In you we are free. Our chains and burdens are lifted! We lift our eyes to you once again! I lov...

King of Majesty.. poem

Poem (earlier in this journal too--sometime in Feb.): King of Majesty Lord, I am humbled by your majesty; by the glory of your throne. It is You, the God of all, that I worship. I was made for you, to live a life glorifying and loving you. You could crush me in an instant or wipe out every living thing in a day, but instead you chose to give your life for ours. Through Christ you showed your great character of daily, miraculous, sacrificial love. You pour out your blessings and dwell among us. You show your glory through every joy and sorrow of life, constantly drawing our hearts to you! King of Majesty come down! Rain down on us your Spirit! We long to know you more and more. I love and praise you God. Amen & Amen.  

The Lord is Great! Poem

The Lord is Great! Poem (from earlier this journal): Lord, You are gracious and holy. Your awesomeness  far outweighs the stars. In the splendor of Your glorious majesty, I realize I am but a speck of dust. I don't see why you would care to love and care for a creature like me. However, in your great mercy you do! Thank you Lord for your sovereignty. You humble yourself to love us. Pitying our fallen condition, you give us your strength, although we are undeserving. I thank you on behalf of the entire human race for all of your grace, goodness, majesty, and love. You owe us nothing, but you have given us everything. Thank you Lord for all you do and for loving me, despite me. I love and praise you God.  Amen.  

Hello again! Choosing to be faithful...

Hello!  : D So lately I haven't been blogging because I've been like, well probably no one reads this so who cares and I don't have time, etc.  But I need to do this for my own sake and because it is pleasing to the Lord too.  I have to be willing to be faithful even if I will never see the fruit of it, like when you give your money away somewhere that doesn't serve you but you know it does good things.  It's hard to give, be obedient and have faith.       Why is it so hard to have faith?  I have to realize that my life does matter even if I feel like I'm not saving the world or anything.  I never was or will be, that's God's job.  I just hope I will find a place to be incorporated into telling and spreading the great message of His salvation!  I'm realizing though that it has to start with the small acts of obedience every day before I'll ever be able to do anything really "great".  For example, if I want to be able to pla...