Let Love Win

Hello!  I hope you are well.  : )

      God has been using the song "Let Love Win" in  lately to teach me more about His love and grace. 
Another thing God has been using in my life to teach me more about His grace, has been the story in the Book of John chapter 8 of the woman who was going to be stoned (killed by having a bunch of huge rocks dropped on her head) for being caught in the middle of adultery (sex outside of marriage, esp. when married) .  The people who were going to stone her asked Jesus what they should do about her, trying to trap him.  Jesus just sat and drew in the sand for a while, but when further pressed, said, "Let you who have no sin cast the first stone."  Eventually all the leaders left.  These were the ones who carefully kept the law.  They were they ones who "had it all together"  and "did everything right", looking all holy praying loudly on the street corners to show it off, sounding trumpets at the times when they gave money, etc.  They were called the Pharisees, they taught the religious law.  But they knew that they had sin in their lives, they knew they had done things and continued to do things wrong, as all people do.  So they left. 
     Then Jesus simply turned to the woman and asked, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?" , she said no and that they had gone, and Jesus declared, "“Then neither do I condemn you,”  “Go now and leave your life of sin.” He didn't condemn her for her sin, he simply forgave her and told her not to do it again, like a good father.  He has acceptance and love for us.  We still need to take responsibility for our actions and turn from our sins in repentance.  God hates sin because He sees how awful it is and how much it destroys us.  Drugs, addictions, distractions, even some normal things, that can slowly take over life and cause destruction.  He hates that.  He is a good Dad, He is a just judge against it too because He wants us to know the severity of how much He is against what destroys us.  He has to charge us for what we deserve, but if we turn to Him and turn from our destructive ways, desires, thoughts, etc. and accept His payment on the cross, we are forgiven and told, go and sin no more. 

John Chapter 8 -- the story of the woman they were going to stone for adultery. 

"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

 He understands, which is why He gives grace.  Grace, a forgiveness and empowerment from Him to overcome sin, not an excuse to sin.  Sinning is bad for you.  Aka doing stuff that is bad for you and against the will of the living God who made the whole universe is bad for you.  I know because I do it all the time.  And this not meaning like sin equaling ten commandments.  It's so much more than that.  It's whenever I don't obey God when He says, "Serve that person and carry their dishes.  Let someone know that you are struggling so that they can help you.  You can learn something from every person, so take time to listen to them.  Stop trying to do this all yourself.  You can't save yourself, Ephesians 2:8 it is by my grace that you have been saved.  Trust in me.  Love me with your whole heart.  Spend time with me and share your heart, spend time in my presence."  When I don't obey even those little things He tells me, it's a sin, yeah.  It doesn't mean I'm de-saved when I do it, I just need to repent and get right with Him so we can have a better relationship.  Just like any other relationship.  There is a need for open communication, humility, etc.  But God is so faithful even when I am not, and He is 
faithful to restore me.  : )  2 Timothy 2:13 "If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny who he is."  God is faithful, so He's not going to be unfaithful .He is always after you, after your heart, trying to break down the hard walls and love you so you will turn to Him and see Him for who He truly is.  Then you will truly worship Him. 
"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—" (Ephesians 2:8 Bible).

2 Timothy 2:13 "If we are unfaithful, he remains faithful, for he cannot deny who he is."

Yeah anyway, God is showing me He wants me to come with Him with my problems and fears, not run away from Him.  He is so faithful in love and forgiveness and faithul in restoring the broken places in me. 

Psalm 86:15  "But you, O Lord, are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness."

Psalm 147:3  "He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds."  (NIV) 

Well anyway, I couldn't find the song, but it goes, "Stop acting as though you could earn it, I don't love you cuz you deserve it.  I love you because that's who I am, let love win......Lord I know you love me.  Yes I know you love me.  Lord I know you love me.  Right here right now right here right now.........It's okay to believe, just open up and receive, I want you to have confidence in my love." 

Have a good day!


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