
Showing posts from June, 2011

Let Love Win

Hello!  I hope you are well.  : )       God has been using the song "Let Love Win" in  lately to teach me more about His love and grace.  Another thing God has been using in my life to teach me more about His grace, has been the story in the Book of John chapter 8 of the woman who was going to be stoned (killed by having a bunch of huge rocks dropped on her head) for being caught in the middle of adultery (sex outside of marriage, esp. when married) .  The people who were going to stone her asked Jesus what they should do about her, trying to trap him.  Jesus just sat and drew in the sand for a while, but when further pressed, said, "Let you who have no sin cast the first stone."  Eventually all the leaders left.  These were the ones who carefully kept the law.  They were they ones who "had it all together"  and "did everything right", looking all holy praying l...

Baja Mission Trip

This is my letter for upcoming mission trip to Baja.  : ) June 22, 2011 Hello! I hope you are doing well.           This is Jasmine Fairbanks, daughter of Frank and Heather, granddaughter of Bob & Pat Brittain and Jack & Jackie Fairbanks. The Evangelical Covenant Church is my home church in Bemidji (and has been for eight years). I graduated from Bemidji High School last year, 2010. The internship that I’ve been doing this year here in Texas at Teen Mania Ministries’ Honor Academy has been going well. I have learned a lot and can hardly believe that this year is almost over! I’ll be graduating in mid-August. My fellow interns and I have worked hard, 31 hours per week, in our ministry placements here at Teen Mania Ministries, doing most of the work necessary to put on the Acquire the Fire youth conferences at 33 locations nationally, Extreme Camps summer camps here in Texas, Global Expeditions mission trips which over a thousand...