This year so far... & a poem.


  I hope you guys are doing well.
So this year...well it's been going pretty well here.

Yeah, this year has been good. A lot different than I expected, but good. It's busy, challenging, sometimes really frustrating, but also a really good experience and I think I've learned and grown a lot. I've learned that growing in your faith is more than just a pretty idea, but is difficult with like overcoming struggles, etc. Yet as I press more into Him I find that things I struggle with are easier to overcome.
I've realized a lot of how much Jesus really expects of us and that he wasn't all dying for us to just accept Him, but He actually wanted us to count the cost first and really decide to follow Him. It's like whoa. Sometimes even being here I'm like what have I gotten myself into with this whole following Jesus thing? But it's really good. And He's faithful even when I'm not. He has to keep showing me that over and over.
I've also learned a lot about myself, like I hate to ask for help and feeling like a failure. I just let things distract me. I'm trying to learn to be more disciplined.
It's so weird to have an Easter away from home. I got to go home for Christmas and that was good. I even got to see my sister (Brittany). She's in Poza Rica, Mexico now helping at an orphanage. I think in September she's going to a YWAM school in Chile. That's her blog. It's really good :) I was in Norway on a mission trip on Thanksgiving. We had Thanksgiving dinner though and it was really good.

Have a blessed Easter!  He is risen! 

~~Here's a poem from lately (snaps for me : > oh Panama.  I love our team!)~~

Just me and God
I can feel Him--
His loving stare across from me...
There's nowhere else I'd rather be. 

Praises, grattitude, and joy fill my heart
for Him.
Where does my strength come from?
Where does my joy, help, and hope come from?
The Lord! 

Though I may sometimes not feel it--
I know each day is a gift from God. 
He says, open up and take it,
reach out and embrace it.
It is yours to have and enjoy. 
It is free.  It is my love for thee. 

Oh, how He loves us!
He is still singing me love songs
and I am still listening. 
Oh, that love from on high!

I feel your grace and love upon me again,
washing me like rain. 

Sunny Mondays,
worship and poems.         

Oh what a happy day! 
The Lord our God has washed our sins away! 

We love you and we praise you, amen!
Lord we return to you again.
We return to you again.  

Have a beautiful sunny & blessed day! 


Anonymous said…
Dearest Jasmine,

Sorry I didn't comment on this sooner.

I'm glad you're feeling like you're learning a lot about having a closer relationship with the Lord!

This poem is so true!

Not having you here for Easter and my birthday was strange!! I missed you and Brittany more than ever!!

Keep on keeping on, honey darling!!!

Love, Mom

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