Ring Banquet, etc..

Last night was the Ring Banquet for us August interns. 

 At the ring banquet we were commiting or reaffirming our commitment to live a life of pursuing Godliness and honor (not to get honor, but to be honorable).  We had sessions all last week on characteristics of honor such as integrity, loyalty, purity, valor, humility, excellence, etc.  We heard these same sessions back in November or so when the January class had their week of the ring.  It was good to hear the sessions over again though.  The ring is to be a symbol and a reminder to us of our commitment.  I can't believe this is already over.  This year has gone by so fast!
     It was so exciting!  We got to dress up and do our hair and we all stood up, raised our right hand and made our commitment.  I wore the blue kind of sparkley dress my grandma made me.  They gave us plastic rings for now, since the real ones haven't come in yet.  They should come in in about 2 weeks though I heard.  I'm really excited!  I've never had a ring that really meant anything before, so this will be extra special.  Plus it's more than like a purity ring because it's commiting to living a life of honor, and not just purity, but including purity. 
We will graduate in August.  I know it will come soon.  Time goes by fast here since we're always doing something.  Plus when all the Global Expeditions missionaries get here it might get pretty crazy (in a good way : )  I can't wait to welcome them on campus!  I was one of them this last summer.  I feel so different from then, but the same too.  I think I'm more self-aware.  Still not sure about total life purpose, but that's okay, God is good.  He'll reveal it in His time.  Yeah.

Here's a poem thing I wrote today:   

Lord, help me to know that it's not by what I do,
but that it's by obeying you;
it's not by me,
but by what you do and do through me.

God, I can't do this on my own.
Lord, you drive me to my knees.
I keep going my own way,
and striving after my own dreams.

Lord, I need you to guide me and hold me in your hands.
I am so fragile and I don't know what to do.
I'm praying for breakthrough and help to keep my eyes on you.
I need your loving embrace.

I can't let these things in my life control me.
Help me to steward my life, instead of being its slave.

Finally I surrender.
To you be the glory. 

God, I'm done with all of this striving and worrying.
Please give me your peace.
Let me feel your comforting presence,
as I sit humbled at your feet. 

Peace, peace
you are my peace
my strength and my redeemer--
my Lord and yet my friend.

You tell me, "Be still my child.
You are not alone, I am with you. 
I am your comforter, give it all to me.
Those heavy burdens were not meant for you. 
That was never my intention."

I cry out, "Oh, Lord God,
I do not know what to do.
I do not know how I will see this through.
I cannot see the way.
I do not know my purpose in this day.
I'm full of dismay, as all my plans seem to decay."

Lord, I do not know what I should do,
yet you tell me, "There is still so much more for you."

God, I have to trust that you know the way,
and that you will show me at the right time and day.
God, I know that it will be okay,
because I can have peace and contentment in you.
Thank you God that YOU will see me through. 

Help me to lean on you, and not my own understanding.
Lord, I am yours and at your commanding!
I love you God, Amen. 

I really like worship and listening to music such as "Background" by Lacrae, and "Beautiful" by Phil Wickum.  These songs really express my heart to the Lord, and it's a beautiful thing.  I also recently discovered that reading some of the Psalms is like this too.  So, if you need a prayer and you don't know exactly how to express your heart to the Lord, you can turn to the Psalms or some music that's sort of like that.

"I can play the background.  I can play the background, because I know sometimes, I get in the way..."  --'Background' by Lacrae. 

I hope you all have a wonderful day and find a way to express your hearts to the Lord when you don't know what to do, etc. 

It's a lot more helpful to turn toward God with your problems than to get angry at Him, or pretend He doesn't exist. 

Peace...   : ) 


Anonymous said…
I like your poem. Keep trusting the Lord. I'm glad you enjoyed the ring banquet! Love, Mom

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