Gratitude and my thoughts

I'm enjoying a few quiet moments and a bowl of soup at my favorite food co-op.  I finished a good day of work and now get to rest and reflect.  I'm typing on my phone which would be easier on a typewriter at this point, but I found a quote from my notebook I wanted to share.

"Gratitude, therefore, takes nothing for granted, is never unresponsive, is constantly awakening to new wonder and to the praise of the goodness of God.  For the grateful person knows that God is good, not by hearsay but by experience.  And that makes all the difference."  -Thomas Merton

I have been experiencing gratitude for people I have been able to meet who have come alongside me lately.  They have shared their lives with me, encouraged me, and let me tell my own story.  As I have struggled to see my own value, they have let me know that small things can have great impact. Being content is important and although I may not see my impact, "It is well with my soul."

I feel like my job includes helping kids make something good out of a situation that isn't so good.  Or at least to try to help them see good in it and be there for support.  And in all the craziness out there I see God making something good out of the bad.  There is hope when you can tell someone that God can make something good out of their pain, there will be justicefor them, and that God is near to the brokenhearted.
          I don't see why when God allows people to make their own choices and people make bad decisions that God is blamed.  People make the messes.  But would we rather take away hope in an eternity where wrongs will be made right and justice is served for the victimized?
Life here is a ticking clock and we have no cure.
But there is a hope beyond ourselves.

 We think we know better than our Maker.
Learn to be a giver and not a taker.

With selfish pride we make our messes, Shaking a fist at God for the consequences.

If we could lean into Love and learn to forgive, maybe we'd find the hope to fully live.

Lives lived in hope are not in vain.  If this life is shortened, eternity is gained.
So let's not forget our brothers and sisters left behind by any number of disasters.

And keep in mind Our God who Sees us, who is near, and will one day welcome us HOME.

The news of the church shooting in Texas is heavy on my heart and how people are reacting.   I lived there for a year and there are so many warm-hearted, welcoming people.  No, thoughts, words, and prayers aren't enough, but if genuine, it is a start and it is the right start.

I can't even imagine the pain these families are going through right now and I would hope we can take some time to think before saying things here.
I've said my piece and I've had my soup.  Grace and Peace.


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