Do not worry...

A theme in my life lately has been learning not to worry.  At prayer last week with Mr. Hasz (the director of the Honor Academy) speaking on that, chapel today telling us to stop looking for the source of blame and blaming ourselves, etc. and worrying about that, but to look for the glory of God, my manager printing out a scripture about that today for me, and then reading that exact same scripture today for today's Bible reading plan oddly enough.  It's the whole thing from:

Matthew 6:25-31  "Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear.  Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes?  Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them.  Are you not much more valuable than they?  Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?  'And why do you worry about clothes?  See how the flowers of the field grow.  They do not labor or spin.  Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these.  If that is how God clothes the grass of the field, which is here today and tomorrow is thrown into the fire, will he not much more clothe you--you of little faith?  So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear'"    

I so often get caught up in thinking about what I need to do next etc, that I don't even enjoy the present moment, or I feel all overwhelmed.  I know better in my head, I used to have that scripture, "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.  Today has enough troubles of its own."  Matthew 6:34 hanging in my room.

I need to remind myself daily to be mindful of things without letting them freak me out, and to really take a moment to breathe in and think of peace and tranquility, breathe out and smile, breathe in and think about the present moment, breathe out and exclaim (mentally) 'This is a wonderful moment!"  I read that in a book called 'Transforming Burnout'  Thank you Aunt Barb : )  I found that book and read it one night there when I couldn't sleep.  So often moments really are so good if I could just learn to appreciate them and not worry.

Today after chapel it was kind of like a weight had been lifted.  I realized I had been too focused on every little thing instead of looking for the glory of God in it.  I do see and recognize it in many things, such as the amazing intricate beauty of a bright yellow dandelion.  However, I so often don't take enough time to really dwell on it and think, "Wow, God.  That is an amazingly beautiful little flower there (even if many consider it a weed), it's as if you sprinkled some little drops of concentrated sunshine on the ground and left it there for me to see and brighten up my day.  Thank you so much God for caring about me enough to put little things such as this to bring me joy everyday.  You are always looking out for me and always showing me you love me.  Thank you so much, I love you too!"  I hardly ever take the time to really think through these thoughts of gratefulness that I would have if I actually spent time thinking what I thought instead of worrying.  I need to 'choose joy--ha ha!'  Shout out to Dave Hasz and the interns on that!  That just meaning to choose to look at the bright side despite adversity and bleak-seeming circumstances.  And the 'ha ha' meaning to even choose to laugh in the face of adversity, with inner strength that can only come from the Lord.  Yeah, I just need to force myself to be positive sometimes when I feel overwhelmed.  Wow I write a lot.  

The Houston Acquire the Fire was amazing!!!

I wrote this riding on the bus on the way there:

          On a bus to go to the Houston event,
          this is so exciting!
          My first Acquire the Fire.
          It's such a beautiful sunny day,
          Hope is abounding.
          Texas is beautiful!

The Acquire the Fire in Houston was in a mega-church and there were about 4,000 people there I think.  It was enormous!  God moved and lives were changed!  Many youth responded to wanting to help 'spread the bread' of the message of Christ to other nations, and to really giving God lordship over their lives and not just saying a prayer for the sake of doing that.  It was really cool to see Jimmy Needham and The Almost live!  They just really have something special in them and are anointed musicians, along with some of the School of Worship bands there.  It was nice that they shared their heart a little bit about why they are up on stage and not just playing a bunch of cool music.

Funny Honor Academy Quote:  "Can I get a few volunteers to pass out.................................workbooks?"
-a  person teaching at HA.  

    Here's a poem I wrote a couple weeks ago:

           Hope is a ship sailing to greater things.
           So often we avoid getting on,
           because we are afraid that we will be
           stopped mid-journey, dashed against the rocks,
           helpless and alone, worse off than before.

          We settle for mediocre lives
           without much for a greater purpose
           to have safety, even then uncertain.

          If only we'd remember
          the lighthouses and night stars
          out there to help guide us,
          not to mention the ship's captain
          who has a map and knows the way
          even when we don't.

         We forget that the one who made the oceans
          knows the way and is on our side,
          working all things together for our ultimate good.

         Although some may fail along the way
          get lost, broken, or go astray.
          There will be time and places to rebuild,
          stronger than before.

         If you are living but just settling
         on the small, familiar beaches,
         never really heading out on a journey
         to greater things, and
         actually going after your hopes and dreams,    
         are you really living?

         Where will we be,
         if we spend our whole life in some deserted city?
         If we have one life to live, we may as well live it
         trust, hope, and give it, sail on toward greater things!

Yeah, that's something I'm challenged to do.  One of our core values here is vision: "We dare to dream as big as God dreams, and we know that with Him on our side, we can achieve the impossible."  I know that, but I really have to come to believe it with my whole heart.  God please help me with that, amen!

Love you all and hope you have a wonderful day!  Remember to dwell on the positive too  : )
Peace and God bless!


Anonymous said…
I just read this poem you wrote. Very cool. I really like it!!! so true!
Keep on keeping on!
Love, Mom
Anonymous said…
I also like your description of dandelions! No wonder most small children, before they are taught that dandelions are weeds, will joyfully gather them and bring them to their mothers and others!

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