In the Quiet...
Greetings, I write this while chilling out at home with the dog (Cubbie) lightly snoring, hearing the clock ticking in the quiet , and sitting in an office chair at the kitchen table as it is more comfortable than a regular chair. I'm wearing my comfortable bright pink plaid flannel shirt. I just ate a warm chicken pot pie from Lueken's grocery store and drank some hot chocolate. I am so grateful for quiet moments like these. They are rare. I am learning to really enjoy the simple things in life. Mmm good morning coffee and a bowl of oatmeal, seeing a sunrise, a good hug from a loved one . There's times when I hide in my little office space and feel pretty overwhelmed. Some jobs really take a lot out of me. It is stretching me beyond myself . That is a good thing, but it is also challenging. I'm starting to settle into the routine of adult life a little better. Get to places on time, make lists, write down dates...