
Showing posts from July, 2016

Summer Update

Hello, I hope this finds you well.  It has been a fairly busy summer for me since I began work at Camp Oak Hills this June.  I have really enjoyed working as a kitchen assistant at the camp.  We have had a few weeks of campers now.  There is a lot of work to be done and it can be a challenge to finish our tasks. We have gotten a few volunteers that come in to help serve.  They help in many areas at the camp including our kitchen.  This helps relieve some of the crunch-time stress before meals.  I can end up being someone that worries a lot.  I will be worried about having enough noodles or just trying to keep up with things.  It is these small things that end up stressing me out.  I have to be reminded to take a break. I ended up injuring my knee one day on accident.  I went in for it but I kept hoping it would get better with time.  I did need to go in again and the MRI showed I had a tear in my knee cartilage.  If...