Rrrr you ready, rrr you ready for this?

Remnant Rising

Remnant come together!
Revolution is beginning.
Radically we are called to live.
Rigorously we give ourselves.

Righteousness is our goal.
Right, not wrong we will uphold.
Rif raf no more.
Random this is not.

Rival the enemy.
Revival we long for. 
Royal is our calling.
Roar!  Let me hear it!

Rip up the old sins.
Ripe is the harvest!
Rare, special people follow this call.
Rally together!
Really, it's worth it.

Rise up as one.
Reverse the decay!
Reverberate God's victory.
Resolve yourselves not to give up!

Red, Christ's blood,
redeems our fate,
renews our faith,
reconciles us with God.

Reserve nothing.
Regret no more.
Remorse is gone.
Retreat is not an option.

Revise your standards.
Revamp your vision.
Risks are a given.
Rend your heart.

Run this race,
reaping an eternal reward.
Riches without ruin
recompense the righteous.

Respond joyfully.
Rejoice, oh nations!
Relentlessly pursue God.
Resurrection glory is here! 


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